The basics of advertising are to get someone’s attention and encourage them to do something.
And the most effective way of being noticed? By using a massive BILLBOARD.
The average number of people spends:
- Three hours and ten minutes every day ‘out and about
- Around 16 minutes in the view of advertisements.
Why not target your consumer during this window of opportunity with a large, quality, well-located billboard in a place with high footfall or traffic?Billboards are great for simplicity too, as they don’t need multiple pages designed as brochures do.
Need something effective up and running in a hurry?
Well, do you know the ‘Rule of 7’ in marketing?
This theory claims that a consumer must hear or see an advertising message at least seven times before taking action.
By placing an outdoor banner in a public place where people will pass every day or a few times a day — like on the way to work or when dropping off and picking up their kids from school — you can help hit this number and potentially increase your brand’s chances of a conversion.
Billboards clearly help you reach a wider audience. So, how do you make sure your billboards are as effective as possible? A massive, conceptual image works wonders on a billboard. According to research, people generally only recall 10% of information they hear three days later. However, using a relevant image alongside this information increases retention by 55%.
Billboard marketing is a powerful marketing tool, so be sure to look into it for your company!
For further details:
Highway Billboards:
City Billboards: